Saturday, November 30th


Bob’s heart has stabilized and he is off the heart meds.

They are going to give him another breathing test soon. They will also be bringing him off sedation and allow him to wake up as well.

Thanksgiving Day Update


I just spoke to the icu doctor. Because Bob’s heart rate is so high, and they haven’t been able to stabilize it with medications, he recommended that he be reintubated (tube in the mouth for oxygen). The problem is with getting him off of this once he’s on it. I hope and pray he will return to showing signs of improvement. These next few days are critical for him as he fights for his life. Please no visitors today and take comfort in that he knows that we all love him.

Thanksgiving Day


Bob has taken a little step backwards today. He is on an oxygen mask and his heart rate is elevated. He isn’t awake for long periods of time and his heart rate appears to be better when he is sleeping.

Please no visitors today.

Wednesday, November 27th

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Bob was agitated this morning which elevated his heart rate. Because of this, they had to put him on a mild sedative and so he isn’t very alert today.

It would be helpful to have no more visitors today so that he can rest.

Tuesday, November 26th part 2

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Bob’s doctors got together on a conference call and they’ve agreed to focus on the infection in his lungs. The ICU doctor is very cautious. The oncologist is very optimistic. The surgeon is coming tomorrow to give his assessment.

Please refrain from visiting and having him try to talk to you. His throat needs to heal from being on the respirator.

He will be in that room for at least a couple more days while they administer the antibiotics.

Monday, November 25th


Bob is stable in the ICU, still on a ventilator, and resting today. They tried to pull him off of that this morning, but the test didn’t go well so they’ll keep him sedated today. He’s off the heavy stuff and and comfortable. He was aware enough to acknowledge our presence, nodding his head and squeezing Dave’s hand. That being said, he is very weak and shouldn’t have visitors today. We will update this again tomorrow unless new information is available sooner.